Our Healthy School Council are from our Discovery Class. As we are new to school life, we are using our PSHE curriculum (SCARF) to find out about ways in which we can keep ourselves healthy. So far, we have found out about physical ways of keeping our body by talking about the things we like to do such as swimming, gymnastics, running around, scooting and doing yoga. We have spent a lot of time talking about making healthy choices of the food we eat. Linking to our work on Harvest using the Bishop’s Appeal we tasted fruits which grow in South Sudan. We all tried something new! We will use our newly found knowledge over the year to promote being healthy at Hoole St. Michael with the rest of the school…watch this space.
Previous years
During the Autumn Term, we have focussed on healthy bodies, healthy minds. We have been looking at ensuring what we eat is healthy and good for us. We have talked about and made posters on ideas for keeping our lunch boxes healthy and balanced. We linked our work in maths, pattern sequencing, to making healthy kebabs. Sharing our work with the school we then ran a HEALTHY KEBAB competition to give ideas to others for creating tasty lunch box ideas. Well done to the following families who were our winners : The Sharp Family, The Smith Family and The Fitzell Family. They each received a Healthy Heroes bespoke apron to wear when continuing with their adventures in cooking at home!
Look out for more events over the term ahead. Our focus will be on mental health and making each other happy using our SUMO techniques.