‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders are vigilant in their safeguarding duties. They know the pupils and their families well. Leaders have ensured that all staff receive appropriate safeguarding training. This provides staff with the skills and knowledge necessary to spots signs of potential harm. Staff know how to record concerns. Leaders keep careful records of their work to safeguard pupils. Leaders work with several external agencies. This helps them to support families in a timely manner. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. They are particularly knowledgeable about the dangers of walking by or crossing busy roads. They learn how to stay safe online.’ Ofsted 2021
The safety and well-being of our children at Hoole St Michael C of E Primary School is of utmost importance to us and we will always act in the interest of the child.
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding can be defined by promoting the health, safety and welfare of all pupils. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults, especially those working or volunteering with children. The school aims to help protect the children in its care by working consistently and appropriately with all relevant agencies to reduce risk and promote the welfare of children.
What is child protection?
Child protection is a part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. This refers to the activity which is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm.
Successful Safeguarding at Hoole St Michael C of E Primary School.
Our Safeguarding Lead member of staff is Mrs J Price and the Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs S Cookson. These staff members have undertaken Designated Safeguarding Lead Training. The Safeguarding Governor is Mr G Evans-Hughes. Our staff and governors attend annual training.
- All other members of school staff are regularly trained and updated in safeguarding and child protection.
- All disclosures from children or concerns from adults are taken seriously, recorded and investigated thoroughly in line with Lancashire County Council’s Safeguarding Children Board guidelines.
- All staff protect pupils from harm online and offline. They are vigilant at all times.
- We are open and transparent, actively seeking expert advice when required.
- We actively seek and listen to the views and experiences of our children, staff and parents, taking prompt action to address any concerns.
- Manage safer recruitment and allegations about adults who may pose a risk. (Mrs Price, Mrs Cookson and Mr Evans-Hughes attend regular training.
Operational Encompass
Hoole St Michael CE Primary School is participating in the Operation Encompass partnership scheme, between local school, academies, colleges, community health agencies, and Lancashire Police.
For further information please read this letter.
Children and Family Wellbeing Service
St Michael CE Primary School work closely with the South Ribble District children and family wellbeing service in Lancashire.
South Ribble West Paddock Family Hub and The Zone – Lancashire County Council
Children and Family Wellbeing Service – Lancashire County Council
Other support
More information and guidance on safeguarding, child protection, child abuse or neglect can be found on the following websites:
- NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
- CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)
- Child Line (Call 0800 1111)